About Me

My name is Shengjie Zhu, a Ph.D. student at Michigan State University supervised by Dr. Xiaoming Liu. My research focuses on monocular/multi-view depth estimation. This is a comprehensive task, encompassing topics including NeRF, structure-from-motion, correspondence estimation, camera pose estimation, camera calibration, self-supervision, etc.

[Resume] [Google Scholar] [Linkedin] [Github]



    1. camerazoom.gif
      Tame a Wild Camera: In-the-Wild Monocular Camera Calibration
      Shengjie Zhu, Abhinav Kumar, Masa Hu, and 1 more author
      In NeurIPS, 2023
    2. kitti.gif
      LightedDepth: Video Depth Estimation in Light of Limited Inference View Angles
      Shengjie Zhu, and Xiaoming Liu
      In CVPR, 2023
    3. pmatch.png
      PMatch: Paired Masked Image Modeling for Dense Geometric Matching
      Shengjie Zhu, and Xiaoming Liu
      In CVPR, 2023


    1. zhu_brazil_liu_cvpr2020.gif
      The edge of depth: Explicit constraints between segmentation and depth
      Shengjie Zhu, Garrick Brazil, and Xiaoming Liu
      In CVPR, 2020